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Software Engineer

Data Scientist

Firmware Engineer

Creative Leader

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Roshini Saravanakumar

Computer Engineering - Class of 2021
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
✅ Technical GPA: 3.93 / 4.00
🎓 James Scholar Honors Program
🌟 Frank C. Mock Scholarship
🌟 John Deere Foundation Scholarship

The ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ List

⭐ Quick, creative, and elegant solutions

⭐ Independent and self-driven explorer

⭐ Fluent in various languages and tools

⭐ Natural leader in team endeavors

⭐ Excellent coding style + readable code

Work Experience

Data Science Intern
Fall 2019, Spring 2020

I'm currently a Remote Sensing Data Science Intern at Corteva Agriscience at the University of Illinois Research Park.
Learn more about my job here!

Produce Flow Tracker
Summer 2019

I created a Trade Analytics tool in collaboration with a mentor in the Data Science Industry.
Visit the project website to learn more!

Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Assistant
Spring 2019

As a student in ECE 391, I learned so much in office hours, so I chose to give back to the class by joining the course staff.
Read more about my work here!

Relevant Skills

Data Structures














Jupyter Notebook



x86 Assembly

Project Highlights

Illini Foodies

We created a restaurant recommendation app for University of Illinois students using React, AWS, a relational database, and DynamoDB (NoSQL).
Learn more about this project here!

Panic at the Kernel OS

We built an operating system from scratch in 3 months using x86 Assembly and C.
Read more about it here!

Crazy Taxi (FPGA Version)

You’ll need a VGA monitor and a USB keyboard to play our multiplayer masterpiece, but don’t worry if you don’t have access to these devices. I have pictures!
Learn more about this project here!

Relevant Coursework

Database Systems


Data Structures

Data Visualization

Analog Signal Processing

Computer Systems Engineering

Linear Algebra

Digital Systems Laboratory

Discrete Structures

Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools (Coursera)